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研究 - 研究項目

Direct Grant for Research

Enchanted Economy of Hope 魅惑的希望經濟學

Principal Investigator: Prof. Guo Ting

Year of Award: 2024-2025


Seeking an Order: Vinaya and Precepts Teaching in Khitan Buddhism 契丹佛教戒律研究

Principal Investigator: Prof. Wang Xingyi

Year of Award: 2024-2025


PMS Experiences in Japan

Principal Investigator: Prof. Cheung Shoan Yin

Year of Award: 2023-2024


A Response to Hong Kong’s Arts Tech Policy: Shifting the Narrative on Art and Technology to Reconsider Cultural Development

Principal Investigator: Prof. Wong Ashley Lee

Year of Award: 2023-2024


Contributing to China: The Sino-Christian Mandate from 救國  jiuguo to 中國化 zhongguohua

Principal Investigator: Prof. Naomi Thurston

Year of Award: 2023-2024


Populist Features of the New Testament

Principal Investigator: Prof. Bruce Worthington

Year of Award: 2023-2024


Colonial Diva and Unclaimed Memory - The Cultural Politics of Korean Popular Music under the Japanese Occupation Period

Principal Investigator: Prof. Lee Yongwoo

Year of Award: 2023-2024


AI Extrapolations: On differences and stereotyping in machine learning
Principal Investigator: Prof. Cao Xuenan
Year of Award: 2022-2023


Religion, Activism and Identity in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. Guo Ting
Year of Award: 2022-2023


A Study of Yingjiao in Central Hunan in Comparative Perspective
Principal Investigator: Prof. Tam Wai Lun
Year of Award: 2022-2023


A Brief History of Plastic in China
Principal Investigator: Prof. Wu Ka Ming
Year of Award: 2022-2023


Images of Inequality, Vulnerability, and Catastrophe in Southeast Asia
Principal Investigator: Prof. Elmo Gonzaga
Year of Award: 2021-2022


Intermediality and Transmedia Storytelling in Chinese Independent Cinema
Principal Investigator: Dr Li Tiecheng
Year of Award: 2021-2022


A Study on the Impact of Digital Spiritual Care to Spiritual Wellbeing of Christians in Hong Kong in the Big Data Era
Principal Investigator: Prof. Ip Hon Ho Alex
Year of Award: 2021-2022


Comparative Ethnography and Christian Conversations on Chinese and African Ancestral Traditions
Principal Investigator: Prof. Naomi Thurston

Year of Award: 2021-2022


Archiving Hong Kong in Video Game
Principal Investigator: Prof. Chung Peichi
Year of Award: 2020-2021


Getting Older on Screen: The Cultural Politics of Ageing in Hong Kong Cinema
Principal Investigator: Prof. Tan Jia
Year of Award: 2020-2021


Discourse of Takeout: ordering meals, digital practices and single-use plastic waste in China
Principal Investigator: Prof. Wu Kaming
Year of Award: 2020-2021


A comparative study on the political theologies of African migrant churches in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. Tobias Brandner
Year of Award: 2020-2021


Hyper-cute Visual Icons and Gender Warfare Amongst Digital Youth
Principal Investigator: Prof. Katrien Jacobs
Year of Award: 2020-2021

Sickness and Spirituality in Early Christianity: A Case Study via Basil of Caesarea
Principal Investigator: Prof. Colten Yam
Year of Award: 2020-2021


Spiritual Desires and Embodied Spirituality: A Case Study of Yoga Fever in China
Principal Investigator: Prof. Kung Lap Yan
Year of Award: 2019-2020


The Role of Religion in International Mediation and Peace Processes: Implication for Peacemaking Process in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Dr. Chow Wai Yin
Year of Award: 2019-2020


Liang Qichao and Early Chinese Buddhist Modernism
Principal Investigator: Prof. Douglas GILDOW
Year of Award: 2019-2020


Buddhist Monastic Education in the PRC
Principal Investigator: Prof. Douglas GILDOW
Year of Award: 2018-2019


A Study on the Impact of Social Media Using Pattern of Christmas in Hong Kong regarding Bibical Interpretations in the Big Data Era
Principal Investigator: Prof. IP Hon Ho Alex
Year of Award: 2018-2019


The Online Nativist Imagination and Gender/Sex Discourses in Hong Kong and Belgium
Principal Investigator: Prof. Katrien JACOBS
Year of Award: 2018-2019


A Study of Hong Kong Christian Schools in the 1967 Riots
Principal Investigator: Prof. YING Fuk Tsang
Year of Award: 2018-2019


A Comparative Study of Christian Prison Ministries across East and Southeast Asia
Principal Investigator: Prof. Tobias BRANDNER
Year of Award: 2017-2018


Chinese Shanshui Painting Produced during the Late 1950s
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan
Year of Award: 2017-2018


Visualizing Gender/Sexuality: Feminist and Queer Film Festivals in China
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAN Jia
Year of Award: 2016-2017


Jesuit Hermeneutic Strategy of the Yijing (Classic of Changes) in Early Qing China
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John
Year of Award: 2016-2017


Women’s Work for Women: Transnational Cooperation of a Christian Women’s Community in Canton, South China (1847-1938)
Principal Investigator: Dr. WONG Wai Yin Christina
Year of Award: 2016-2017


The New Woman Citizen: Feminist Activism among Woman College Students in Guangzhou
Principal Investigator: Prof. WU Kaming
Year of Award: 2016-2017


Rebuilding Historical Narrative in Chinese Independent Documentary Filmmaking
Principal Investigator: Dr. LI Tiecheng
Year of Award: 2015-2016


Urban Development of the Huaguang Community in Taipei and the New Political Subject in the Making
Principal Investigator: Prof. HUANG Tsung Yi Michelle 
Year of Award: 2015-2016


Performing Arts Festivals in Hong Kong – Issues and Challenges
Principal Investigator: Prof. LIM Kok Wai Benny 
Year of Award: 2015-2016


Theology and Politics in Hong Kong Christianity: Sermons, Prayers and Disputes, 2013-2015
Principal Investigator: Prof. YIP Ching Wah Francis 
Year of Award: 2015-2016


Chinese Islamic Art Research Project
Principal Investigator: Prof. James FRANKEL 
Year of Award: 2014-2015


Buddhist Gentrification - Ecology of Buddhist Temples in Shanghai Jingan Since 1990
Principal Investigator: Prof. HUANG Weishan
Year of Award: 2014-2015


In the Image of God: Negotiating Interpretations in the Hebrew Bible for the Disabled
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAN Nam Hoon Nancy 
Year of Award: 2014-2015


Fallen Crosses in 'China's Jerusalem' and its Implication on State-Church Relations in Contemporary China
Principal Investigator: Prof. YING Fuk Tsang
Year of Award: 2014-2015


Rethinking Pregnant Mainland Women and the Cultural Politics of Birthright Citizenships: Towards a Feminist Geopolitics
Principal Investigator: Prof. HUANG Tsung Yi Michelle 
Year of Award: 2014-2015


The Market of Miniaturization: Taiwan New Cinema’s Afterlife
Principal Investigator: Prof. LIM Song Hwee
Year of Award: 2014-2015


Community Building and Participatory Democracy in Postcolonial Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan 
Year of Award: 2014-2015


A Ritual Study of Buddhism in Dali of Yunnan
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun 
Year of Award: 2014-2015


Fictional Literature by Chinese Jesuit Presses in the Republican Period (1912-1937)
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John
Year of Award: 2013-2014


Beyond the Boundary of Home: Religious, Space and Women in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 2013-2014


Red tourism: An ethnographic study of staging revolutionary memory in Yan'an
Principal Investigator: Prof. WU Ka Ming 
Year of Award: 2011-2012


Investigating the Postcolonial Resistance in Asian Theologies - Two Indigenous Chinese Christina Thinkers as Case Studies
Principal Investigator: Prof. KWAN Shui Man Simon
Year of Award: 2011-2012


A Cultural Analysis of Popular Media Production and Consumption in Southeast Asia
Principal Investigator: Prof. CHUNG Peichi
Year of Award: 2011-2012


Women, Digital Media and Erotic Tastes in Hong Kong and the USA
Principal Investigator: Prof. Katrien JACOBS
Year of Award: 2011-2012


Investigating the Religious Imagination and Literary Creation of the "New Age Novels" (1895)
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John
Year of Award: 2011-2012


Apocalypses @21st -Century Chinese Websites: Social Semiotics of Christian Fundamentalism
Principal Investigator: Prof. CHAN Lung Pun Common
Year of Award: 2010-2011


A Study of Chinese Islamic Women in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 2010-2011


Inclusivism with Chinese Characteristics: The Dominant Discourse of Protestant Theology in Contemporary China, 1995-2010
Principal Investigator: Prof. YIP Ching Wah Francis
Year of Award: 2010-2011


Religious Actors in Global Justice Movement: Christianity and Ecology in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. KUNG Lap Yan
Year of Award: 2010-2011


Artistic Creations during China's Cultural Revolution
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan
Year of Award: 2010-2011


In Search of a Religious Heritage: The Interpretations of Mohism (墨學) by Intellectuals in Republican China
Principal Investigator: Prof. YEUNG Kwok Keung
Year of Award: 2010-2011


Unheard Voices: Study on the Audience letters of Gospel Broadcasting from Mainland China (1958-1988)
Principal Investigator: Prof. YING Fuk Tsang
Year of Award: 2009-2010


Religion and Literature: Chinese Christian Novels in the Late Qing Period (1807-1911)
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John
Year of Award: 2009-2010


Chinese Buddhist Responses to Christianity and Modern Science
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2008-2009


The Jewish and Gentile Nature of the Gospel of Matthew
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 2008-2009


Judith's War: Overcoming the Unfaithful Feminine Metaphors
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAN Nam Hoon, Nancy
Year of Award: 2008-2009


Women Negotiating Culture: Family, Religion and Chinese Patriarchy
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 2008-2009


Rethinking Christian-Confucian Dialogue on Human nature: The Orthodox and Scientific Perspectives
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2007-2008


From Socialism to Globalization: The Socio-historical Transformation of PRC’s Cultural Policy
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan
Year of Award: 2007-2008


Socialist Transformation of Buddhism in China: 1949-1966
Principal Investigator: Prof. XUE Yu
Year of Award: 2007-2008


An Inquiry into the Public Role of Christianity (Protestant) in China: Social Capital and Political Propaganda
Principal Investigator: Prof. KUNG Lap Yan
Year of Award: 2006-2007


Christian Right and the Discourse of Family
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 2006-2007


Comparative Studies on Engaged Buddhism and Humanistic Buddhism
Principal Investigator: Prof. XUE Yu
Year of Award: 2006-2007


A Study of Buddhist Miracle Tales - the case of True Buddha School in Malaysia
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun and Prof. SOO Kin Wah
Year of Award: 2006-2007


Pervasive Imagery & Ephemeral Value: Camera Phone Practices in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. Helen GRACE
Year of Award: 2006-2007


British Representations of Chinese Buddhism 1860-1950
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2006-2007


The 19th Century Catholic Cemeteries in Hong Kong from a Cultural and Social Perspective
Principal Investigator: Prof. HA Keloon Louis
Year of Award: 2006-2007


A Collection of Epigraphy for Daoism in Guangdong
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2005-2006


Paulinist Influence on the Gospel of Matthew
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 2005-2006


Nourishing People: Daoist Charity from Guangdong and Hong Kong to Thailand in the 20th Century
Principal Investigator: Prof. YAU Chi On
Year of Award: 2005-2006


Capitalism in a Religious Perspective: A Study of the Writings of Paul Tillich
Principal Investigator: Prof. YIP Ching Wah Francis
Year of Award: 2005-2006


Counter-Revolutionary or Non-conformist: The Last Voices of Wang Mingdao
Principal Investigator: Prof. YING Fuk Tsang
Year of Award: 2005-2006


Buddhism in China during the Korean War (1950-1953)
Principal Investigator: Prof. XUE Yu
Year of Award: 2005-2006


The Culture of Sharing: Intellectual Properties of the Cyber World
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan
Year of Award: 2005-2006


Towards and Analogical Approach to Change-Oriented Brief Christian Counseling
Principal Investigator: Prof. KWAN Shui Man
Year of Award: 2005-2006


Church, Culture and Theology: A Critical Analysis of Sino-Theology
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2005-2006


Ritual Specialists and Local Society Life -- A Study of the "Increase and Flower" Monks and Pu'an Buddhism in Southeast China
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Year of Award: 2005-2006


The Taoist Monastic Economy and the Tang Society
Principal Investigator: Prof. YANG Li
Year of Award: 2004-2005


Daoist Liturgies of the Song Period and its Comparison with Contemporary Daoist Ritual in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2004-2005


Foreign Domestic Workers' Public Articulation and Representation in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Ming Yan
Year of Award: 2004-2005


Possibilities and Politics of Intercultural Theatre on Contemporary Hong Kong Stage
Principal Investigator: Prof. LUK Yun Tong Thomas
Year of Award: 2004-2005


Entertainment Sites of Modern China
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan
Year of Award: 2004-2005


Buddhism and Contemporary Society in China
Principal Investigator: Prof. XUE Yu
Year of Award: 2004-2005


Buddhist-Christian Identity in Chinese Context
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2003-2004


Reform or Remold: The Denunciation Campaign of Protestant Christianity in New China
Principal Investigator: Prof. YING Fuk Tsang
Year of Award: 2004-2005


History in the Gaps and the Silences: Narrating Women Life Stories
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 2003-2004


Taoist Women in the Local Societies: Cases in Jinnan (劍南道) and West Jiangnan (江南西道) Regions in the Tang
Principal Investigator: Prof. YANG Li
Year of Award: 2003-2004


Daoist Temples in Guangzhou City during the Ming-Qing Periods
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2002-2003


Buddhist-Christian Synthesis in Modern China
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2002-2003


Cross-textual Reading of Christianity and Culture in East Asia, 1900-2000
Principal Investigator: Prof. LEE Chi Chung Archie
Year of Award: 2002-2003


The Strategy of Development of Chinese Methodist Church at Foshan and Guangzhou in the First Half of 20th Century
Principal Investigator: Prof. LO Lung Kwong
Year of Award: 2002-2003


Local Religion and Society in Qingyuan
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Year of Award: 2002-2003


A Lexical Analysis of all α- and β- Nouns and Nominalized Words of the Greek New Testament
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 2002-2003


Daoist Ritual Practice in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2001-2002


Comparative Study of Christian and Confucian Ecological Ethics
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu & Prof. WAN Wai Yiu
Year of Award: 2001-2002


A Ritual Approach to the Local Charismatic Christianity - with Special Reference to the Phenomena of Glossolalia and "Slain in the Spirit"
Principal Investigator: Prof. KWAN Shui Man
Year of Award: 2000-2001


A Study of Nahm Mouh (喃嘸) Daoist Tradition in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2000-2001


Localism and Globalism in Christian-Confucian Dialogue
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2000-2001


"Love is as Strong as Death" - A Study of Love Poems and Songs of Laments in the Ancient Hebrew and Chinese Classics
Principal Investigator: Prof. LEE Chi Chung Archie
Year of Award: 2000-2001


Christianity and Local Religions in Tai-an Region, Shandong Province
Principal Investigator: Prof. NG Tze Ming Peter
Year of Award: 2000-2001


A Study of the Ming Novel and Religion
Principal Investigator: Prof. Wang Richard G.
Year of Award: 2000-2001


Negotiating for a Chinese Identity: A Study of the Transformation of Christian Community in Colonial Hong Kong, 1898-1949
Principal Investigators: Prof. LEE Chi Chung Archie and Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 1999-2000


Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 1999-2000


The Christian Dreams - Models of Christian Colleges / Universities in Western Countries
Principal Investigators: Prof. NG Tze Ming Peter and Prof. Leung Yuen Sang
Year of Award: 1999-2000


The Semantic Stability of Prototypical Norma in the Greek New Testament
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 1999-2000


A Study of Popular Taoism in the Ming Dynasty
Principal Investigator: Prof. Wang Richard
Year of Award: 1999-2000


A Greek-Chinese Lexicon for the New Testament
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 1998-1999


Explorations in Asian Mission Theology
Principal Investigator: Mr. Kaung Tai Wai
Year of Award: 1998-1999


Voluntarism and Religious Belief: A Pilot Study of Youths in Shenzhen
Principal Investigator: Prof. Cheng Ming Chun
Year of Award: 1998-1999


A Study of the Hong Kong Chinese Churches' Understanding of Financial Assistance: Its Theology, Measures and Effectiveness
Principal Investigator: Prof. Kung Lap Yan
Year of Award: 1998-1999


A Study of the History of the Way of the Celestial Masters Under the Six Dynasties
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 1998-1999


Methodological Compatibility of Religious and Theological Studies
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 1998-1999


Septuagintal Studies for Modern Chinese Readers

Principal Investigator: Prof. LO Lung Kwong
Year of Award: 1998-1999


A Study of the Debates on the "Place of Woman in Church and Society in Hong Kong Today"
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 1998-1999


Christian-Confucion Dialogue on Ecological Ethics
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 1997-1998


Recent Development of Studying on Paul's Letter to the Romans in Relation to the Chinese Biblical Scholarship
Principal Investigator: Prof. LO Lung Kwong
Year of Award: 1997-1998


Outstanding Chinese Presidents of Christian Universities in China before 1949
Principal Investigator: Prof. NG Tze Ming Peter
Year of Award: 1997-1998


A Study on the Rituals of the True Buddha School
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Year of Award: 1996-1997


Chinese Popular Religion in Late Traditional Times
Principal Investigator: Prof. Daniel OVERMYER
Year of Award: 1996-1997


The Tai-ping Ching and the late Han's Writings of Wei
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 1996-1997


A Study on the Rituals of the True Buddha School
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Year of Award: 1996-1997


Christianity and Women's Political Development in Hong Kong in the 1980s
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 1996-1997


The Johannine Literature - Materials, Structures & Themes
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG, Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 1996-1997