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教職員 - 教職員




PhD in Buddhist Studies, Harvard University
MTS in Buddhist Studies, Harvard Divinity School

    • Chinese and Japanese Buddhism
    • Vinaya Studies and Monasticism
    • Buddhist Ethics
    • Pure Land Buddhism
    • Yogācāra
    • Gender Studies
    • Buddhist Art
    1. Dharma in Common: Yuanzhao and the Resurgence of Buddhist Monasticism in Medieval China and Japan (in preparation)
    2. Tattvasiddhi-śāstra, translation from Chinese into English, fully and with extensive introduction, co-authored with Dan Lusthaus and Earnest Brewster (in preparation)
  • Journal Articles
    1. 2024   “Redetermining the Monastic Boundary and the Revival of the Buddhism in the Northern Song.” Buddhism, Law & Society, 2024.
    2. 2024   “Falling in the Nether World: Buddhism and Contemporary Chinese BL Literature.” Religion and Literature.
    3. 2024   “The Jeweled Hairpin: Da’aidao biqiuni jing in Sinic Buddhism.” The Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies (JCBS) 37 (2024).
    4. 2023   “Vinaya Thought Seen from Dunhuang Manuscript ‘Essentials of Four Vinayas and Commentaries’ and Others” 敦煌出土律典『四部律幷論要用抄』などに見られる戒律思想. Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū (Journal of Indian and Buddhist studies) 71 (2) (2023): 516–520.
    5. 2022   “Magic or Miracle? Rainmaking Ritual in Medieval Japanese Buddhism from a Comparative Perspective.” Journal of Interreligious Studies 37 (2022): 32–50.
    Book Chapters and Essays
    1. 2023   “Observing Buddhist Precepts by Divination: Practices According to Zhanchajing.” In Living Folk Religions, edited by Sravana Borkataky-Varma and Aaron Michael Ullrey, London: Routledge, 2023, 178–190.
    2. 2023   “On the Vinaya Commentary entitled ‘Niehen’ 戒疏談義聞書『二衣篇』.In Religious Documents Inside Harvard Art Museum Prince Shōtoku Statue ハーバード美術館蔵聖徳太子二歳像(南無仏太子像)内納入品・宗教テクスト資料集, Tōkyō: Chuokoron Bijutsu Shupan, 2023, 235–240.
    3. 2023   “A Meditation Text on the Golden Siddham Character ha 金色ノ字 (co-authored with Yuxin Qin).” In Religious Documents Inside Harvard Art Museum Prince Shōtoku Statue ハーバード美術館蔵聖徳太子二歳像(南無仏太子像)内納入品・宗教テクスト資料集, Tōkyō: Chuokoron Bijutsu Shupan, 2023, 233–235.