Bi Cheng Senter
Bi Cheng Senter is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on the political aesthetics of East Asian avant-garde art, centering on contemporary and experimental art forms and movements in post-war South Korea. She aims to examine how these arts use unique ideological discourse, concept generation, strategy, and gesture to challenge authoritarian paradigms and respond to social mechanisms, analyzing their depiction of materials and subjects estranged by rights through utopian imaginaries, collective expressions, and narratives of trauma and cultural conflict.
Prior to this, She earned a BA in Media Arts Production from Emerson College and an MA in Arts Politics from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. She is also engaged in experimental video and photography production, as well as curatorial practice.
Tentative Research Topic
The Rebel Heterotopias: Political Aesthetics and Ideological Discourses in the 1960s-70s Wave of Korean Avant-Garde Experimental Art and Korean Monochrome painting Dansaekhwa
Research Interests
Korean and East Asian Post-War Arts Politics, Art Criticism, Cultural Activism, Visual Culture, Avant-Garde Art
Cheung Shui Yee
I am an MPhil student in Cultural Studies at CUHK. My project focuses on the intersection of leftist dissident movement and colonialism in Hong Kong's 70s. Through my research, I aim to reinterpret the colonial reality in Hong Kong as an institutional strategy maneuvered by multiple political forces in their border-crossing interactivities oriented to subverting or upholding regional hegemony. I will be studying the intellectual interexchange as well as international/regional activism in the late Fiery 70s of Hong Kong to go beyond the colonized/colonizer dichotomy and locate Hong Kong subjectivity in the dynamic undercurrent beneath the seemingly monolithic rule of colonialism.
Tentative Research Topic
The Fiery 70s in Post-Mao Transition: Dissident Left under China-Hong Kong Division System
Research Interests
Socialist Dissident, Left-wing Politics, Anti-Colonialism
Feng Lei
Feng Lei is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He intends to explore how the "non-urban" sustains but also fundamentally disrupts the formation of urban subjectivity in everyday lives of central Beijing.
Tentative Research Topic
Non-urban space and experience in contemporary urban China
Research Interests
Urban culture, everyday life, psychoanalysis
Hao Qifan
I am a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I studied Cultural Industry Management at the Communication University of China and then received my master's degree from the School of Arts (majoring in Theory of Arts & Culture), Nanjing University. I am now interested in how modern and comtemporary literature and cinema recognize, express, and negotiate ecological changes, geopolitics, social power dynamics, and the awareness of human-nonhuman connections in the Anthropocene.
Tentative Research Topic
“Perception, Interaction, and Becoming” in Southeast Asian Ecophilosophical Films
Research Interests
Eco-cinema and Econarratology,Contemporary Chinese Culture and Politics, Culture, Society and Politics in the Anthropocene, Film Philosophy and Film Theory
Lim Chun Lean
Lim Chun Lean is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, specializing in the role of science and technology in Southeast Asian societies. His current research focuses on the construction of Malay DNA and its intersection with racial politics in Malaysia, examining how Malay identities are renegotiated in this context. Additionally, he is exploring mobile health in Myanmar, investigating alternative health trajectories under an authoritative state, and is also interested in the history of technology in Southeast Asia, seeking to discuss technology from a regional perspective. Prior to his doctoral studies, he received his academic training at Lingnan University and Nanyang Technological University.
Tentative Research Topic
Microscopic nation: Negotiating Malay identities in the age of genomics.
Research Interests
Southeast Asian Studies; Science, Technologies, and Societies; Postcolonialism; Race and Ethnicities; Malaysian Studies; Myanmar Studies
Lim, C. L. (2021). Towards Satu Bangsa: A reevaluation of the race-based narrative and its impact on Chinese communities in Malaysia (Master's thesis, Lingnan University, Hong Kong).
Conference Presentations
Lee Chi Shing
As a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Studies at Chinese University of Hong Kong, my research interests spans from anarchism, community politics, environmental humanities, Hong Kong Studies, masculinity studies, queer theory, and cultural studies at large. Such a wide range of interests is organized, yet, is organized around my primary concern of Hong Kong.
My ongoing dissertation project studies the rhetoric of being together as a product of the contemporary activists’ negotiation with the Sixties anarchism in Hong Kong since the 2000s. It aims to problematicizes contemporary anarchists’ politics of exteriority, which justifies the anarchist tactics such as engaged withdrawal and abolition. The dissertation redirects our attention to marginality, arguing that the rhetoric of being together advances a politics of recommunalization, that is, cultivating connections, overlapping, conjunctions, and, at the end, communalities among different preexisting marginalized communities. With a theoretical approach of intercommunalities, the dissertation examines how the idea of communality gradually move from the West to Hong Kong in the context of the Global Sixties and further morph into the urban, rural, and internationalist rhetoric of being together. With the experiences from Hong Kong, I wish, the dissertation would provide hopeful and critical insights on the possibility of togetherness and solidarity in the difficult time of the world.
Tentative Research Topic
Being Together: The Politics of Recommunalization and Negotiation of the Sixties’ Anarchism in Post-Sixties Hong Kong
Research Interests
The Global Sixties, Left-wing Politics, Activism, Hong Kong Studies
Lee, Chi Shing. 2023. “The Utopian Homeland: New Left Internationalism, Diasporic Chinese Nationalism, and Anarchism in Hong Kong, 1969–1973.” The Global Sixties 16 (1): 1–21. doi:10.1080/27708888.2023.2203074.
Knowledge-Transfer Activities
Podcast on “Anarchism and Nationalism: Ng Chung-yin Anarchist Envisioning of Hong Kong in the Early 1970s.” Anarchist Essays. Anarchist Research Group (ARG), Loughborough University.
Li Yixiang
Yixiang Li is currently a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His principal research areas include media theory and contemporary Chinese poetry. His PhD dissertation, tentatively entitled “The Spectre of Character: Rebuilding Chineseness in the World of Digits,” studies the materiality of writing technologies and its impacts on contemporary Chinese poetic and aesthetic expression, aiming to bring out a novel conception of text in the Sinophone context from a media-materiality perspective. He publishes poetry under pen name Blind LI. He has received poetry prices from the Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. He is also a project leader of the “International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong” (IPNHK) and the convener of “Transboundary Forum for Young Poets in the Sinophone World.”
李毅翔,一九九四年生於廣東新會。多倫多大學東亞研究碩士,現為香港中文大學文化研究博士候選人,研究方向為比較詩學和媒介理論。他的博士論文《The Spectre of Character: Rebuilding Chineseness in the World of Digits》以中文世界的信息處理技術史為切入點,探討當代漢語詩人、藝術家和小說家在數字時代進行寫作的介質環境。他以筆名「李盲」發表詩作,散見《聲韻詩刊》、「虛詞」、「別字」等刊物和網站,曾獲「頂度詩歌獎」(2024)、「金車詩歌獎」(2024)「青年文學獎」(2024、2023)、「光華詩歌獎」(2022)。他曾參與「香港國際詩歌之夜」等詩歌節活動的籌備和執行工作;亦是「華語青年詩人交流計畫」的發起人之一,此計畫旨在推動兩岸三地青年華語寫作者跨越邊界、詩歌傳統的交流,至今已歷三季。
Tentative Research Topic
PhD dissertation - “The Spectre of Character: Rebuilding Chineseness in the World of Digits”
Paper-in-progress - “Phonographic Poetics: Guo Moruo, Sonic Machines, and the Revolutionary Lyricism in the 1930s’ China”
Research Interests
Writing Technologies; media theory; comparative modernism; modern Chinese poetry; creative writing.
Scholarly Grants
Postgraduate Studentships, CUHK
Vice-Chancellor's PhD Scholarship Scheme, CUHK
Literary Prizes
金車新詩獎 優選(2024)
2024頂度詩歌獎·高校獎 入圍獎(2024)
第五十屆青年文學獎·新詩高級組 優異獎(2024)
第四十九屆青年文學獎·新詩高級組 優異獎(2023)
Krystie Ng
Krystie is a Malaysian researcher and curator based in Hong Kong. In 2019, she co-founded the Inter-Asia Woodcut Mapping Group, a research collective focused on self-organized woodcut practices in Asian context. Besides, she is also an initiator and researcher for The Art of Coexistence: An Archival Project of Self-Organized and Collaborative Art Practice.
Tentative Research Topic
The production of art and politics of woodcut collectives in inter-Asian contexts
Research Interests
self-organized art practice, socially-engaged art, artist collective, trans-regional collaboration, art activism
Eric Michael Peterson
Eric Peterson is a Ph.D. student in Cultural Studies at CUHK and received his B.S. at Towson University and M.A. at Yonsei University. His research interests span many areas in game studies, particularly the development of communities surrounding speedrunning and digital game modification. He also has a prior background in the cultural history of Korea and Japan.
Research Interests
Video Games, Digital Cultures, Cultural Industries, Science and Technology Studies, New Materialism, Cultural History of Korea and Japan
Quizon Juan Miguel Leandro
Graduate Fellow
(Asian Graduate Student Fellowship Program of the Asia Research Institute - National University of Singapore in 2015)
Juan Miguel Leandro Quizon is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is finishing his dissertation on spatial cultures of airports in archipelagic Southeast Asia focusing on monumentalism, mobilizations, and mobilities. His research interest includes urban spatial studies and popular media culture. He was a fellow from the Asian Graduate Student Fellowship Program offered by the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore in 2015. He holds an MA in literary and cultural studies from the Ateneo de Manila University and a BSC in applied corporate management from the De La Salle University - Manila.
Short Description
An athlete, classical pianist, and traveler who loves to shower in the rain
Tentative Research Topic
Architectonics of Archipelagic Southeast Asian Airport Cultures
Research Interests
Urban spatial cultures, popular culture and media
Sun Shitong
I am an MPhil student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I received my Bachelor of Communication in Media and Communication Studies from the Hong Kong Baptist University (BNU-HKBU UIC) in 2023 and my Master of Arts in Anthropology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2024.
During my undergraduate studies in media studies, I recognized the importance of “the study of culture” from an interdisciplinary perspective, which has guided me along an interdisciplinary path ever since. I have a keen interest in anthropology, media studies, cultural studies, and their intersections.
Porn studies are my primary research interest. My research tentatively focuses on the consumption of hardcore pornography within the Chinese context. Additionally, I am also interested in another study that examines the discourse surrounding the fever of Chinese students pursuing master's degrees overseas and the cultural meaning of this practice for them from an anthropological perspective.
Tentative Research Topic
Watching Porn in China: Japanese Adult Video Consumption Embedded in Chinese Life
Research Interests
Porn Studies, Popular Media and Culture, Transnational/transborder Education
Tang Sum Sheung Samson
Samson Tang is a Ph.D. candidate currently working on his dissertation on battle royale games, their cultural and economic impacts, and player experiences. He also holds an M.Phil. on documentary film. He’s a passionate gamer who plays Fortnite, A Dance of Fire and Ice, and occasionally, online Texas holdem, and Chess.
Research Interests
Transgression in games, alternative play practices, media and emotions, game industry, game policies and censorship in China
Referred Works and Conference Presentations (selected)
Tse Cheuk Hin Larry
Tse Cheuk Hin Larry 謝卓軒 (he/him) is an MPhil student in Cultural Studies at CUHK. Upon receiving his Bachelor's Degree in Global Communication from CUHK, Larry committed two years to pursuing his goals as a DanceSport athlete and coach. His research examines how Hong Kong male dancers enact gender in relation to class to construct alternative Asian masculinities.
Tentative Research Topic
Reimagining Asian masculinity: Hong Kong dancers’ classed ways of doing masculinity
Research Interests
Cultural Sociology, Gender & Feminist Studies, Queer Theory, Post-colonial Studies, Dance Studies
Tse Wing Tung Jamie
Tse Wing Tung Jamie is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her current research re-examines the act of play and dissects how player identity and agency is reconfigured into different ludic experiences, such as race, gender, and sexuality, in video games.
She received her B.A. and MPhil degrees in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Her MPhil thesis investigates the dialogic relationship between romance as an allegory and identity in the context of Hong Kong Transitional Period (1982-1997).
Tentative Research Topic
‘The Game, The Player, and The World: Re-examining the Act of Play’’
Research Interests
Video Game Studies; Critical Theory; Gender Studies; Queer Theory; Postcolonial Studies; Hong Kong Studies
Kika W. L. Van Robays
Kika W. L. Van Robays 文詠玲 (they/them) is a PhD Candidate in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Department of Cultural and Religious Studies). They are from Belgium and from Hong Kong. Kika’s research with the tentative title, Queer/ing Zines: Practicing Collective Trans-Formation, focuses on zines, queer communities, and care and connections. Immersing themselves in solidarity and community care, they emphasise tenderness, platonic affections, and a constant sense of wonder above all. Kika is a poet and the author of Let the Mourning Come with Prolific Pulse LLC (2022) alongside many other published poems and book reviews. They are also one of the founders of Slam-T (spoken word and slam poetry platform). They have an MA in Chinese Language and Culture (Ghent University) and in Gender and Diversity Studies (Flemish joint university program).
Tentative Research Topic
Queer/ing Zines: Practicing Collective Trans-Formation
Research Interests
Queer & Feminist Studies, Gender Studies, Media Studies, Alternative Media Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Critical Race Studies, Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, Education Studies and Chinese Studies.
The awardee of 2022 Hong Kong Association of University Women Postgraduate Scholarship
(not including online poems and essays)
Conference Presentations
Guest Lectures
Wang Weihang
I come from a history background and I'm currently working on an in-depth study of the industrial history of Mao's Third Front, a secret national defense project initiated in China in 1965. As part of my research, I'm particularly interested in exploring the relationship between the Third Front, the broader (post/new) Cold War geopolitical scenario, and the formation of an industrial 'rustbelt' region in Southwest China. I'm also concerned with the environmental issues caused by the Third Front and its lasting impact on the ecology of the hinterlands. I received my BA in history from the Ohio State University in 2016 and my MA in China Studies from the University of Michigan in 2018.
Tentative Research Topic
Industrial Landscape and Legacies of Mao’s China: Third Front Factories and Their Surrounding Environments
Research Interests
Industrial history and Cultural history of Mao's China; Environmental history; Third Front; Rustbelt and Ruins
Wang, W., Tan, X. Demoralizing Internet Contention: Affective Publics and Emotional Mobilization on China’s Social Media During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Crit Crim 31, 417–431 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10612-023-09708-6
"The Practice of Urban Exploration in Investigating the Material and Visual Memory of China’s Old Industrial Towns." Best Paper Award. Online Postgraduate Conference in Humanities at Hong Kong Baptist University
Wong Ka Hei Cecilia
Wong Ka Hei Cecilia is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her current research examines how feminist and queer creators in Hong Kong use digital platforms for activism, collaboration and transformative social relation against the translocal network of manosphere. She received her MPhil degree in Gender Studies from CUHK and her Bachelor's degree in Communications (International Journalism) from the Baptist University of Hong Kong.
Tentative Dissertation Title
Digital matters: Feminist and queer creator-activist practices in Hong Kong
Research Interests
Gender Studies, Queer and Feminist Theory, Media Studies, Platform and Creator Studies, Activism, Affect, Hong Kong Studies
Wong Tak Yin
Wong Tak Yin is an MPhil student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Their research, rooted in prior experiences in community organising, explores the diverse manifestations of asexuality within the socio-cultural landscape of Hong Kong. Walking queer, they seek to navigate the intricate dynamics between queerness, identities, and (a)sexual politics as they unfold in everyday life.
Tentative Research Topic
“A”-lephants in the Sexualised Room: An Exploration of Affective Narratives Among Hong Kong Asexuals
Research Interests
Queer Theory, Gender and Media Studies, Affect, (A)sexual Politics
Wu Qihui
Wu Qihui is a candidate for Doctor of Cultural Studies in the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She graduated from Documentary Media Arts at Northwestern University and from the Department of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. She is a documentary filmmaker and teacher based in Guangzhou. In 2020, collaborating with Jigme Gyaltsen National Vocational School in Qinghai, she co-founded Tibetan Ecological Film Youth Training Center, the first welfare film training program in Tibetan areas.
Tentative Research Topic
Short Videos Making, Digital Rurality, and The Moral Experience of Educated Return Migrants in Southern China
Research Interests
Ecocinema, short videos, visual anthropology, anthropology of media
Cui, Y., Wu, Q. H., Jigme Gymtso. Introduction to Media Production and the Exploration of Eco-cinema Practice in Tibetan Rigions. Qinghai Nationalities Publishing House, Xi Ning, China. 2021
Yang Tian
Yang Tian is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. With previous background in art museums and galleries and an MA in Cultural Management, she tries to look at how Southern Chinese form their regional identity through contemporary art practices.
Tentative Research Topic
The Cultural Formation of Southern Chinese Identity in Contemporary Chinese Art: Focusing on Pearl River Delta and Guangdong Region
Research Interests
Chinese Contemporary Art, Curation, Art Criticism, Regional Identity, Cultural Identity, Internal Colonialism
Yu Nicole Alexis
Yu Nicole Alexis is an Mphil student in Cultural Studies in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her current research is on Hong Kong Social Movement Documentaries (2014-2021). She received her BA in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2016.
Current Research Topic
Socially Active Recording: Meaning Making and Audience Reception of Hong Kong Social Movements Documentaries (2014-2021)
Research Interests
Media Studies
Media and Social Movements
Documentary Studies
Hong Kong Studies