时间:下午2时30分 - 下午4时30分
香港中文大学崇基神学楼 G01
"I have prepared the lecture as a tribute to my former professor but more importantly as a way we can make use of his Patristic Synthesis for doing theology in Hong Kong today." – by Philip L. Wickeri
The Rev. Prof. Philip L. Wickeri
Prof. Wickeri is internationally renowned scholar in History of Christianity in China. He is Advisor to the Archbishop on Theological and Historical Studies, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican-Episcopal). He teaches at Ming Hua Theological College and is Adjunct Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California (USA).
The lecture will be conducted in English and Putonghua
All are welcome. Free admission
Register here:https://bit.ly/Florovsky2023
Email: centre-cs@cuhk.edu.hk │Tel/Signal: 3943 8155
Divinity School of Chung Chi College, CUHK
Centre for Christian Studies, CUHK
Georges Florovsky was the most influential Orthodox theologian and historian of the twentieth century. He was also a leading ecumenist and is regarded as one of the founding spirits of the World Council of Churches. And yet today, forty years after his death, he has been all but forgotten in Protestant and Roman Catholic circles. In this lecture, I will attempt to show the continuing importance of the neo-patristic synthesis of George Florovsky for Christians in Hong Kong today. Florovsky himself distained the idea theological “relevance” and preferred to speak of the “breaks and links” (or “breaches and bonds”) in the tradition of the Church. But, I argue that by grounding himself in the teachings of the church fathers and mothers he offers a unique and irreplaceable approach to Christian thinking in our post-Christian world.