兼任讲师 (下学期)
BA (Buddhist College of China);
MA, M.Phil ( Kaleniya, Sri Lanka); PhD (Iowa)
学愚博士曾就学於中国佛学院、斯里兰卡肯拉尼亚大学、日本东京大学、美国普林斯顿大学和爱荷华大学,并曾任职於美国格林内尔大学院;主要从事原始佛教、中国佛教及人间佛教思想和历史方面的研究。自2004 年开始,学愚教授任职於香港中文大学,2006 年获中文大学杰出青年学者奖;2007 年获法国远东学院访问学者奖;2007至2008 年间,身任哈佛大学访问学者;2008 年任人间佛教研究中心主任,主编《人间佛教研究丛书》。2009 年11 月,他前往德国歌德学院进行了为期一个月的学术演讲。他最近出版的作品包括《佛教、暴力与民族主义:抗日战争时期的中国佛教》(中文版,2011)、《人间佛教∶星云大师如是说、如是行》(2011 )、《人间佛教的社会和政治参与》(2005)等。
Xue Yu is Research Fellow at the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies. He received his doctoral degree in Buddhist Studies from The University of Iowa, USA. Before joining CUHK in 2004, he taught in Grinnell College, USA. His academic areas and interests include Mahayana Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, and the theological and historical dimensions of Humanistic Buddhism. In 2006, he was awarded Young Researcher Award by CUHK. In 2007, he was a visiting scholar at French School of Asian Studies (Ecole Francaise D’extreme-Orient), and he was a visiting scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute in America in 2007-2008. He was invited by Geothe Institute in German to deliver series lectures on Buddhism and Buddhist studies in November and December 2009. Currently, he serves as Director of the Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism at CUHK. He is the chief editor of the Series of Study on Humanistic Buddhism. His recent publications include Buddhism, War, and Nationalism: Chinese Monks in the Struggle against Japanese Aggressions, 1931-1945 (New York: Routledge, 2005) and The Participation of Humanistic Buddhism in Society and Politics (Hong Kong, 2005).
Professional Qualifications:
1/1994 – 11/1995
Lecturer, College of Buddhist Studies, China
1/1994 – 11/1995
Assistant Researcher, Chinese Buddhist Cultural Research Institute, China
8/1998 - 7/1999
Research Assistant, University of Iowa, USA.
8/1998 - 6/2003
Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa.
8/2003 - 8/2004
Assistant Professor, Grinnell College, USA.
8/2004 - 4/2005
Instructor, CUHK
5/2005 - 7/2012
Assistant Professor, CUHK.
8/2012 - 7/2016
Resarch Assistant Professor, CUHK.
8/2016 - 7/2018
Professional Consultant, CUHK.
8/2018 - 8/2021
Research Fellow, CUHK.
9/2021 - 3/2022
Visiting Professor of Buddhism, Chicago University.
Research Specializations:
Buddhism and Contemporary Life
Comparative Studies of Buddhism and Christianity
Buddhism and Environment
Humanistic Buddhism and Engaged Buddhism
Research Grants:
Cleary International Dissertation Research Fellowships, USA, 2003.
Direct Grant for Research 2004-2005 (Project ID: 4450090)-(Buddhism and Contemporary Society in China)
Earmarked Research Grant (2006 RGC Ref. No. CUHK4697/05H)—(Heavenly Kingdom and Pure Land: Transformation of Their Interpretations in Republican China) (Co-I)
Direct Grant for Research 2005-2006 (Project ID: 4450131)—(Buddhism in China during the Korean War: 1950-1953).
Direct Grant for Research 2006-07 (Project ID: 4450177)—(Comparative Studies on Engaged Buddhism and Humanistic Buddhism).
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (蒋经国国际学术交流基金会). For the Project “International Conference on Comparative Study of Ritual in Chinese Local Society.” Project number: CS001-P-07. December 28, 2007.
Direct Grant for Research 2007-08 (Project ID: 2010315) (Socialist Transformation of Buddhism in China: 1949-1966).
GRF 2010-2011 (Project ID: 457110) (Buddhism in Socialist China: 1949-2008) (PI)
Li Ka Shing Foundation, for Wisdom for the World: Buddhism and Hong Kong Society Lecture Series, 2011
The Young Research Award, 2006, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
French School of Asian Studies (Exole Francaise D’extreme-Orient) visiting scholarship, May-July 2007.
Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Professor Award, 2007-2008.
Exemplary Research Achievement, the United College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, December, 2007.
Scholars in Residence, Goethe-Institut, Munichen Germany, 2009.
Articles in English:
Articles in Chinese:
Conference Papers and Lectures (Chronologic Order)
Editor in Chief: