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兼任讲师 / 导师

教职员 - 兼任讲师 / 导师

学 愚博士

学 愚博士

兼任讲师 (下学期)

BA (Buddhist College of China);
MA, M.Phil ( Kaleniya, Sri Lanka); PhD (Iowa)

关于 学 愚博士

学愚博士曾就学於中国佛学院、斯里兰卡肯拉尼亚大学、日本东京大学、美国普林斯顿大学和爱荷华大学,并曾任职於美国格林内尔大学院;主要从事原始佛教、中国佛教及人间佛教思想和历史方面的研究。自2004 年开始,学愚教授任职於香港中文大学,2006 年获中文大学杰出青年学者奖;2007 年获法国远东学院访问学者奖;2007至2008 年间,身任哈佛大学访问学者;2008 年任人间佛教研究中心主任,主编《人间佛教研究丛书》。2009 年11 月,他前往德国歌德学院进行了为期一个月的学术演讲。他最近出版的作品包括《佛教、暴力与民族主义:抗日战争时期的中国佛教》(中文版,2011)、《人间佛教∶星云大师如是说、如是行》(2011 )、《人间佛教的社会和政治参与》(2005)等。 

Xue Yu is Research Fellow at the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies. He received his doctoral degree in Buddhist Studies from The University of Iowa, USA. Before joining CUHK in 2004, he taught in Grinnell College, USA. His academic areas and interests include Mahayana Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, and the theological and historical dimensions of Humanistic Buddhism. In 2006, he was awarded Young Researcher Award by CUHK. In 2007, he was a visiting scholar at French School of Asian Studies (Ecole Francaise D’extreme-Orient), and he was a visiting scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute in America in 2007-2008. He was invited by Geothe Institute in German to deliver series lectures on Buddhism and Buddhist studies in November and December 2009. Currently, he serves as Director of the Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism at CUHK. He is the chief editor of the Series of Study on Humanistic Buddhism. His recent publications include Buddhism, War, and Nationalism: Chinese Monks in the Struggle against Japanese Aggressions, 1931-1945 (New York: Routledge, 2005) and The Participation of Humanistic Buddhism in Society and Politics (Hong Kong, 2005).

Professional Qualifications:


1/1994 – 11/1995

Lecturer, College of Buddhist Studies, China

1/1994 – 11/1995

Assistant Researcher, Chinese Buddhist Cultural Research Institute, China

8/1998 - 7/1999

Research Assistant, University of Iowa, USA.

8/1998 - 6/2003

Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa.

8/2003 - 8/2004

Assistant Professor, Grinnell College, USA.

8/2004 - 4/2005

Instructor, CUHK

5/2005 - 7/2012

Assistant  Professor, CUHK.

8/2012 - 7/2016

Resarch Assistant  Professor, CUHK.

8/2016 - 7/2018

Professional Consultant, CUHK.

8/2018 - 8/2021

Research Fellow, CUHK.

9/2021 - 3/2022

Visiting Professor of Buddhism, Chicago University.


Research Specializations:


Buddhism and Contemporary Life

Comparative Studies of Buddhism and Christianity

Buddhism and Environment

Humanistic Buddhism and Engaged Buddhism


Research Grants:


Cleary International Dissertation Research Fellowships, USA, 2003.

Direct Grant for Research 2004-2005 (Project ID: 4450090)-(Buddhism and Contemporary Society in China)

Earmarked Research Grant (2006 RGC Ref. No. CUHK4697/05H)—(Heavenly Kingdom and Pure Land: Transformation of Their Interpretations in Republican China) (Co-I)

Direct Grant for Research 2005-2006 (Project ID: 4450131)—(Buddhism in China during the Korean War: 1950-1953). 

Direct Grant for Research 2006-07 (Project ID: 4450177)—(Comparative Studies on Engaged Buddhism and Humanistic Buddhism). 

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (蒋经国国际学术交流基金会). For the Project “International Conference on Comparative Study of Ritual in Chinese Local Society.” Project number: CS001-P-07. December 28, 2007. 

Direct Grant for Research 2007-08 (Project ID: 2010315) (Socialist Transformation of Buddhism in China: 1949-1966). 

GRF 2010-2011 (Project ID: 457110) (Buddhism in Socialist China: 1949-2008) (PI) 

Li Ka Shing Foundation, for  Wisdom for the World: Buddhism and Hong Kong Society Lecture Series, 2011




The Young Research Award, 2006, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

French School of Asian Studies (Exole Francaise D’extreme-Orient) visiting scholarship, May-July 2007.

Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Professor Award, 2007-2008.

Exemplary Research Achievement, the United College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, December, 2007.

Scholars in Residence, Goethe-Institut, Munichen Germany, 2009.



  1. ® [1]Buddhism, War, and Nationalism: Chinese Monks in the Struggle Against Japanese Aggression, 1931-1945. New York: Routledge, 2005. (Reviewed by John Kieschnick, University of Bristol, Buddhist Studies Review v. 22 p. 2, 2005: 208-210 )
    (Reviewed by Brooks Jessup, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley at the Journal of Buddhist Ethics,
  2. 《人间佛教的社会和政治参与》香港: 人间佛教研究中心 ,2005。(108 页)
  3. ®《佛教、战争、民族主义》香港中文大学出版社,2011 。(431 页)
  4. ®《人间佛教:星云大师如是说、如是行》香港:中华书局,2011。(562 页)


Articles in English:

  1. ® “Buddhism and the Justification of War with Focus on Chinese Buddhist Hisotry,” Buddhism and Violence: Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia, edited by Vladimir Tikhonov and Torkel Brekke, New York: Routledge, 2012: 194-208
  2. ® “Dialectical Centralism: Buddhist Response to the Controversy between Anthropocentrism and Eco-centrism,” in The International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism. The Chinese University Press, v. 2 (2012)
  3. ® “Humanity and Nature—Buddhist Reply to Contemporary Environmental Crisis,” International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, (2011) i. 1, pp. 17-54.
  4. ® “Civil Society and Institutional Buddhism—Study on IBPS (HK) LTD,” in 《人间佛教及参与佛教的模式与展望》高雄:佛光山文教基金会, 2009: 295-328.
  5. Book Review: “China at War,” Asian Studies Review. (September) 2009, v. 33, pp: 381-83.
  6. ® “Buddhist Contribution to the Socialist Transformation of Buddhism in China-Activities of Ven. Juzan during 1949-1953,” Journal of Global Buddhism, v. 10 (2009), 217-254.
  7. ® “Buddhists in China during the Korean War: 1951-1953,” Buddhist Warfare. Michael Jerryson, ed., Oxford University Press, 2009: 131-156.
  8. “Introduction”, Ching Feng, New Series, V. 7, N. 1-2, 2006: 3-8.
  9. ® “Understanding Suffering from Buddhist and Christian Perspective” Ching Feng, New Series, v.7, n.1-2, 2006: 127-152.
  10. ® “Sharing Hope for the Solution of Religious Conflict from a Buddhist Perspective” in CTC Bulletin, vol. xxiii, No. 1 April 2007: 60-69.
  11. “Merit-Transfer and Life after Death in Buddhism.” Ching Feng, New Series 4.1 (2003), pp. 29-50.
  12. “The Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China--Taixu’s Perspective on Christianity,” Ching Feng, (2004), pp.157-201.
  13. “Buddhism and War—Buddhist Activities during the Anti-Japanese War (1937-1945).” In Collection of International Conference for History, Seoul: Seoul National University, 2002, pp. 101-110.
  14. “Fotucheng”(232-348), in Phyllis G. Jestice, ed., Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. ABC CLIO, 2004, v.1, p.277.
  15. “Jianzhen” (Japanese Ganjin 688-763), in Phyllis G. Jestice, ed., Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. ABC CLIO, 2004, v.2, p.429.
  16. “Taixu” (1890-1947), in Phyllis G. Jestice, ed., Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. ABC CLIO, 2004, v.3, p.836.
  17. “Yang Wenhui” (1837-1911), in Phyllis G. Jestice, ed., Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. ABC CLIO, 2004, v.3, p.928.
  18. “Yixing” (683-727), in Phyllis G. Jestice, ed., Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. ABC CLIO, 2004, v.3, p.930.
  19. “Zhisheng” in Phyllis G. Jestice, ed., Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. ABC CLIO, 2004, v.3, p.939.


Articles in Chinese:

  1. 『早期僧团的建立』(The Establishment of Early Buddhist Sangha). 《法音》Voice of Dharma, n.9, 1995, pp: 11-17.
  2. 『妇女与佛教』(Women and Buddhism). 《广西佛教》Guangxi fojiao, n.8, 1993, pp. 2-12.
  3. 『佛陀的生活』(The Life of the Buddha). 《佛教文化》Buddhist Culture, n.9, 1994, pp. 14-19.
  4. 『无我与轮回』(Non-self and Rebirth). 《法音》Voice of Dharma, n.10, 1994, pp. 20-29.
  5.  ® 『从太虚大师对基督教态度的变化看近代中国的佛耶相遇』,吴言生等主编,《佛教与基督教对话》,中华书局,2005:102-117。
  6.  ® 『禅的超越性对人间佛教建设的啓示』《禅宗与人间佛教》,高雄:财团法人佛光山文教基金会,2006: 423-442。
  7.  ® 『太虚大师的民族主义与世界主义』, 《佛教传统与当代文化》, 方立天、学愚 主编, 北京: 中华书局, 2006: 61-79。
  8.  ® 『菩萨律仪与戒律的现代建设』 《戒律的现代化意义研讨会论文集》,高雄:僧伽大学, 2006:191-203 页.
  9.  『总序』《佛教传统与当代文化》,北京:中华书局,2007: 1-5。
  10.  ® 『星云禅与人间佛教』《禅与人间佛教》,高雄:佛光山文教基金会,2007:19-50。
  11.  ® 『佛教对宗教和平建设的启示』,《文学与宗教:孙昌武教授七十华年诞纪念文集》北京:宗教文化出版社,2007: 647-658。
  12.  ® 『宗教暴力根源初探:佛教对宗教和平建设的启示』,《宗教的和平与冲突》,黎志添主编,中华书局,2007: 99-112。
  13.  ® 『佛教在民间—以僧伽大师弘化事迹为例』,《民间佛教研究》,北京:中华书局,2007: 97-116。
  14.  ® 『苦与苦灭―佛教和基督教的解读』,《天国、净土与人间:耶佛对话与社会关怀》,赖品超、学愚主编,北京:中华书局,2008:175-196。
  15.  ® 『佛法诠释学与人间佛教的建立』《佛教与当代人文关怀》高雄:佛光山文教基金会,2008: 495-522。
  16.  『佛学模式转换:“无我”与“如来藏”』刘有成、学愚主编《全球化下的佛教与民族》,北京:光明日报出版社,2011:4-21.
  17.  ® 『佛法诠释学初探』黎志添主编《华人学术处境中的宗教研究—本土方法的探索》香港:三联书店,2012: 134-157.
  18.  ®『佛教伦理与商品经济』International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, I. 3 (2012): 97-126.



  1. Questions and Answers on General Knowledge of Buddhism (佛教常识答问 赵朴初 著). Singapore: Education Publication Society, 1991.
  2. 《觉者的生涯》(The Portrait of Buddha by J. Jayawaya) 北京:今日中国出版社, 1993.
  3. 《觉悟之路》(The Buddha and His Teachings by Narada). 济南:山东人民出版社,1996,第1版;2007,第2版。


Conference Papers and Lectures (Chronologic Order)

  1. Merit-making and Merit-transferring in Chinese Buddhism. The Third Annual Buddhist Studies—Graduate Student Conference. University of Virginia, April 8, 2000.
  2. The Intermediate Existence and Merit Transfer. American Academic of Religion, Denver, November 15-19, 2001.
  3. Buddhism and War--Buddhist Activities during the Anti-Japanese War (1937-1945). Seoul 2002 International Conference for History, August 15-18, 2002.
  4. Sinicization of Buddhism, Grinnell College, Iowa, February 8, 2003.
  5. Invented Tradition: New Buddhism in the Early Nineteenth Century China. Conference on Modern Chinese Buddhism, Shanghai, October 12-15, 2003.
  6. Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China: Taixu’s Perspective on Christianity. International Conference for Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, Xi’an, November 23-25, 2003.
  7. Buddhism in China: Buddhist Transmission and Development in Early Chinese History, The National Consortium for Teaching About Asia: A Seminar for Secondary History, Geography and World Literature Teachers. Iowa, February 7 2004.
  8. Japanese Buddhism: Its History and Culture. The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia: A Seminar for Secondary History, Geography and World Literature Teachers. Iowa, February 21 2004.
  9. Religion and Violence, New School, New York, 15 March 2004.
  10. 佛教慈悲杀生的再讨论, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 2 2004.
  11. Violence and Nonviolence in Buddhism, The Baptist University of Hong Kong, January 17, 2005.
  12. 《佛教的社会应用:从太虚到星云》,香港中文大学崇基学院,宗教与中国社会研究中心,2005年3月11日。
  13. 《宗教冲突根源初探―佛教破除‘我见’的理论对宗教和平建设的启示》,宗教和平与冲突学术会议,香港中文大学,2005年11月.
  14. 《太虚大师的民族主义与世界主义》,两岸三地佛教学术研讨会, 2005年11月
  15. 《禅宗的超越性对人间佛教建设的启示》,二00六年禅宗与人间佛教研讨会,佛光山,2006年1月。
  16. “Gender and Buddhism,” Woman and Religion Panel Discussion, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, February 2006
  17. “Buddhist Review on Pain”—Critical Comments on “Body in Pain”. Faculty Seminar, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK, March 24th, 2006.
  18. 《佛法在民间》,民间佛教学术研讨会, 香港中文大学, 2006年5月.
  19. 《早期禅宗祖统的建立及其现代意义》,菩提达摩与禅宗文化研讨会,广州,2006年6月.
  20. 《近代佛教发展的两次转型-以参与佛教为例》,人间佛教研究一百年国际会议,武汉大学,2006年9月.
  21. “Sharing Hope for the Solution of Religious Conflict from Buddhist Perspective” The Sixth Congress of Asian Theologians, Hong Kong, 20-26, August 2006.
  22. “Buddhism in China during Korean War (1951-1953)” in the Panel of Buddhists in the Making of Twentieth Century Chinese Histories, AAS 2007, USA, Boston, April 2007.
  23. “Understanding Suffering from Buddhist and Christian Perspective” in 『天国、净土与人间』-耶佛对话国际学术研讨会,香港中文大学,2006年10月18~20日.
  24. 《菩萨律仪与戒律的现代建设》,戒律的现代化意义研讨会,台湾:僧伽大学,2006年11月。
  25. 《僧团与社会—佛教布施伦理与社会实践》,国际佛教大学第二届国际学术会议,马来西亚槟城,2007年8月10~14日。
  26. 《仏法解釈学と人间仏教の建设》,净土何处寻—人间净土与西方净土的对话国际学术研讨会,日本武藏野女子大学,2007年11月23日。 
  27. “Activities of Chinese Buddhists during Korean War,” Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University, December, 19.2007.
  28. 《居士佛教:过去、现在、与未来》,美国麻省菩萨学会文教中心,2007年10月。
  29. 《人间佛教与观世音菩萨的信仰》,美国麻省菩提学会文教中心,2007年11月。
  30. 《普贤菩萨行愿品的理论与实践》,美国麻省普贤讲堂,2007年12。
  31. 《佛法诠释学与人间佛教的建立》,2008年人间佛教学术研讨会,佛光大学、南华大学联合举办,2008年3月13~18日。
  32. “Buddhist Contribution to the Socialist Transformation of Buddhism: 1949-1953,” International Conference on Buddhist Activism in Greater China, Oregon State University, April 25-27.2008.
  33. “Transformation of Institutional Buddhism: Study on IBPS (HK) LTD in Connection with the Idea of Civil Society”, XVth of Congress of International Association of Buddhist Studies. Emory University at Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 23-28 2008.
  34. 《大乘佛教与小乘佛教》,香港理工大学,2008年11月10日。
  35. 《佛教的教育理念》,广东肇庆大学,2008年12月4日。
  36. 《菩萨、慈悲与布施》,灾难危机与佛慈善事业-第二届宗教与公益事业论坛,福建南普陀寺,2008年11月22~23日。
  37. Lecture Series on Chan/Zen Buddhism (altogether 8 lectures) for the students of Buddhist College, Foguan University, Gaoxiong. May 20-28, 2008.
  38. 《契理融合与契机创新》,第二届世界佛教论坛(无鍚-台北),2009年3月11~16日。
  39. 《佛教与当代社会:佛教在当代西方的发展》,广东惠州元音古寺,2009年3月22日。
  40. “Buddhism and Civil Society”, in the International Conference on Humanistic Buddhism and Engaged Buddhism: Patterns and Prospects, Foguang University, Taiwan, May 18 to 24 2009.
  41. 《佛教与国家》,“爱国?爱教?-建国六十年来基督宗教与佛教的困惑与选择”研讨会,宗教与中国社会研究中心,香港中文大学,2009年10月19日。
  42. Buddhist Ethics, Polytechnology University, May 10, 2010.
  43. Hermeneutic of Buddhist Ecology, in the workshop of Buddhism and Environment, CUHK, 28-29, May, 2010.
  44. Buddhism for peace or Violence? Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen, Germany, June 8th 2010.
  45. Pure Mind and Pure Land: Buddhist Contribution to Ecology. Hamburg University, Germany, 15 June, 2010.
  46. Sacred and Profane: Buddhist Monastery and Natural Environment. Goethe Institute, Germany, 24, June, 2010.
  47. “Buddhism and Ecology in Chinese Text and Context,” in the workshop Climate Change in China and Idea on Nature and Environment in Chinese Cultural History, KWI. 26 June, 2010.
  48. “Dialectic Centralism: Buddhist Response to Anthropocentrism and Eco-Centrism,” The Ninth Asia New Humanity Conference, Shanghai Jiatong University, 14-16, Oct, 2011.
  49. 《慈悲与布施:佛教慈善初探》,宗教与慈善国际学术研讨会,上海大学,2011年10月15~17日。
  50. 《僧伽大圣:佛法在人间的典范》,中国社会科学院,2011年11月6日。
  51. 《佛教与现代教育》,佛源老和尚与云门寺学术研讨会,中国人民大学佛教与宗教伦理研究所,2012年2月20日~22日。
  52. 《生活禅今论》佛教与当代文化建设学术研讨会,西北大学佛教研究所、香港中华密教学会,2012年6月23日~25日。


Editor in Chief:

  1. 《人间佛教与当代伦理》香港:中华书局,2012。
  2. 《佛教与管理》北京:中国社会科学文献出版社,2012。
  3. International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, (Launched in November 2011).
  4. 《出世与入世:佛教的现代关怀》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2010。
  5. 《天国、净土与人间:耶佛对话与社会关怀》中华书局,2008。
  6. 《人间佛教的理论与实践》,北京:中华书局,2007。
  7. 《佛教传统与当代社会》,北京:中华书局,2006。
  8. The Kingdom of God, the Pure land and the Human World. Christian Study Center on Chinese Religion and Culture, New Series, Volume 7, Numbers 1-2, 2006. 
  9. 《全球化下的佛教与民族》,北京:光明日报出版社,2011。 



  1. Director, the Center for the Studies of Humanistic Buddhism, 2008~Present
  2. External Examiner for Ph. D Thesis: Kuan-Yinism and healing: Ethnographic Study of A Kuan Yin Sanctuary in Hong Kong,  Faculty of Social Sciences, the University of Hong Kong, June, 2006.
  3. External Reviewer for the application for the post of Assistant Professor on Religious Studies in Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, National Chengchi University (台湾国立政治大学), May 2007.
  4. Advisor to Buddhist Text Edition Committee, Tsz Ming Buddhist Center, Hong Kong. 2005~Present
  5. Academic Committee Member of Ching Chueh Sangha University, a branch of Mahachulalongkomrajavidyalaya University, Thai Land, 2006~present
  6. Researcher, Linshan College, Wuxi, China. 2007~present.
  7. External reviewer for the article 『从汉佛典看戒体说的源流』香港城市大学中国文化中心成立十周年编委会, March, 2008.
  8. 第二届世界佛教论坛“佛教的宗派融合”分坛主持(负责邀请、安排会议行程),江苏无鍚-台湾台北,2009年3月25~4月2日。
  9. 筹划和组织召开第一届、三届、三届、四届、五届、六届“青年佛教学者研讨会”分别於2006年7月,2007年7月,2008年7月,2009年7月,2010年12月,2011年8月在香港中文大学召开。
  10. 筹划和组织四次两岸四地佛教学术研讨会:2006年11月,2007年12月,2009年12月,2010年8。
  11. 筹划和组织“耶佛对话国际学术研讨会”:2007年5月;2009年9月。
  12. 参与录制《西藏并不神秘》十集电视纪录片,亚洲电视台,2008年8月。
  13. Organizing the International Conference on Humanistic Buddhism and Engaged Buddhism, co-sponsored by Chinese University, Harvard University, Beijing University, and Foguan University, Gaoxiong, May 21-30, 2009,
  14. Supervising Budding Scholar Program and led 7 students to Waseda University for seven days (15-21, April, 2010)
  15. Examination Committee for MPhil Theses (据《摄真实论》及其《疏》探讨佛教瑜伽行中观派的“刹那灭理论) by Fong Lai Yan (方丽欣), Department of Philosophy, CUHK.


