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教职员 - 教职员




M.Div., Th.D. (University of Zurich)

关于 白德培教授



    • 监狱中的信仰与事工
    • 宣教运动之今昔
    • 东南亚的基督教
    • 后宗派时期的神学走向 (特别是灵恩及奋兴形式的基督教)
    1. Chinese overseas mission (GRF)
    2. Religious life in the penal contexts of Southeast Asia
    3. African migrant Christianity in Hong Kong
    1. "'The room is small, but the heart is big' – Religion and community life in prison: a case study from the Philippines." Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology Vol. 21/4, August 2020, 1-20.
    2. Brandner (2020). "Emerging Christianity in Cambodia: People Movement to Christ or Playground for Global Christianity?" International Bulletin of Missionary Research 2020, Vol. 44(3) 279–289.
    3. "Religious Volunteer Visitors in the Penal Context of Hong Kong: Roles, Experiences, Transformations." Social Sciences and Mission. Special Edition on Prison and Religion in the Global South. Volume 33 / 1-2 (2020), 128-156.
    4. "Guest Editor’s Introduction." Social Sciences and Mission. Special Edition on Prison and Religion in the Global South. Volume 33 / 1-2 (2020), 1-8.
    5. Brandner. Pilgrims and Popes. A Concise History of Pre-Reformation Christianity in the West. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2019.
    6. "A Besieged Boom: Christianity in China." Theology Today 2019, Vol. 76(3), 194–199.
    7. "The Church as Family: Strengths and Dangers of the Family Paradigm of Christianity in the Chinese Contexts." Theology Today 2019, Vol 76 (3), 217-223.
    8. "A Case Study on Conversion in the Context of Prison in Hong Kong: Experiences, Narratives, and Transformations.” International Journal of Practical Theology 22 (1) / 2018: 1–19.
    9. "Basel Mission and Revolutions in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century China: Debating Societal Renewal." Mission Studies 35 (2018), 7–30. 
    10. 《公共领域中的五旬宗:抗衡文化与文化适应之间 (从观察香港华人处境所得)》,PentecoStudies 16.1 (2017), 117–137.
    11. 《监狱事工作为一种社群事工》 For Justice and Mercy. International Reflections on Prison Chaplaincy, eds. Ryan van Eijk, et al., Publicatiereeks van het Centrum voor Justitiepastoraat Tilburg/Amsterdam 8 (Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2016), 131–146.
    12. 《宣教士是社群内的批判者》,Interkulturelle Theologie. Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft 42, no. 2–3 (2016): 194–206.
    13. 《分久必合,合久必分:从耶稣时代到改革前夕的西方基督教批判史》,莫介文译(香港:明风出版社,2016).
    14. 《围墙之外:监狱中的基督教信仰与事工》,Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2014.
    15. 《铁窗内的心灵世界:香港基督教监狱事工面面观》,冯达扬译(香港:基道出版社,2010).


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