B.Ed. (Alberta); M.Div. (CUHK);
M.A., Ph.D. (Vanderbilt)
KKB 324
Sonia Wong received a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Vanderbilt University, specializing in Hebrew Bible with a minor in Ancient Near East. She wrote her dissertation on “The Solomonic Kingdom as a Cultural Fantasy of the Imperialized Yehudites,” in which she conducts a historical-critical analysis of 1 Kings 1:1-12:24 from a postcolonial-psychoanalytic perspective with the analytic notion of fantasy as a wish-fulfilling narrative. Her monograph Solomonic Fantasy of the Imperialized Yehudites (to be published by Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming) is a revised version of her dissertation.
Sonia is serving as the associate director of the Centre for Christian Studies at CUHK and chair of the Academic Exchange Committee at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College. Sonia is also a member of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) and currently serves in its Committee of the Status of Women in the Profession (2022–2024), in the Postcolonial Studies session at its International Meeting, and in Asian and Asian American Hermeneutics at its Annual Meeting. She is also an executive member of the Global Network of Research Centers of Theology, Religious and Christian Studies (2019–present) and a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal for the Study of Biblical Literature (《圣经文学研究》).
Besides her Ph.D., Sonia holds a B.Ed. from the University of Alberta, an M.Div. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and an M.A. from Vanderbilt University. She received training in ecotourism and completed a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education. Before she embarked on her academic journey, she taught high-school mathematics and music for eleven years. Sonia has diverse interests, including swimming, scuba diving, hiking, singing, playing piano, and cooking.
>> Click here to Prof. WONG's profile on Divinity School of Chung Chi College website.