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文化研究文學碩士課程 - 獎學金與獎項


CUHK-MAICS Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship

“Applicants should upload supporting documents via the CUHK Graduate School Online System for Postgraduate Applicants at “


The CUHK-MAICS Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship aims to provide an opportunity for members of underrepresented groups in postgraduate programs in Hong Kong universities to pursue a Taught MA degree in Intercultural Studies.


We are looking for applicants who are leaders or trailblazers in different fields of cultural work and whose race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and nationality are not fully represented in our student body. We also welcome the applications of aspiring scholars who have plans to undertake doctoral research with the potential to make a significant contribution to Cultural Studies and its related fields.


Eligibility for scheme

Priority will be given applicants with financial need who are citizens of:


ASEAN (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam)


BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia)


Amount of scholarship

  • A full tuition scholarship of HKD$155,000 per annum
  • monthly cost-of-living stipend amounting to HK$90,000


Review process

Applicants for the scholarship should submit their application materials by 15 January 2025.


Applications will be reviewed and selected based on the applicant's academic qualifications, work portfolio, financial need, and potential for contribution.


Shortlisted applicants will be invited for a panel interview.


Announcement of selection results

The selection results will be announced by March 2025.


The fellowship will be disbursed to the selected fellows throughout the student's study period commencing the start of the first semester of study.


The programme may choose not to award the scholarship if no suitable candidates are found.


Criteria for selection

  1. Portfolio of work (e.g., samples of critical, scholarly, or creative work; newspaper articles or press releases about accomplishments)
  2. Application form


For interested parties, please send an email to Ms. NG (

MA in Intercultural Studies Merit Award


MAICS Merit Award shall be awarded annually for Five deserving students. It comes with a cash prize of HK$10,000 for each recipient.


Criteria for MAICS Student Merit Award

  • To be considered for the award, nominees must have a CGPA over 3.6
  • The academic work of nominees must exhibit criticality, originality, creativity, integrity, and compassion
  • Nominees must display active participation or leadership in extracurricular activities 
  • Awardees must be full-time or part-time students who are in their final year 
  • A maximum of 5 students who have demonstrated excellence in the program
  • Instructors in the program are welcome to nominate their students.


Nominees will be invited to submit the following:

  • Most recent CV
  • Transcript of grades
  • A 400-500-word statement explaining why their accomplishments in their academic performance and extracurricular activities qualify them for the award.


Meet our Merit Awardees

  • Chan Hei Yuen, Ashley

    Chan Hei Yuen, Ashley

    在 ICS的這一年,我最常問自己的問題是「為什麼我會這樣想?」質疑「正常」和反思「自我」是我在ICS學到的寶貴技能。例如,在「醫學、媒體和正義」這門課上,我深刻地意識到,「疾病」和「健康」的定義看似沒有爭議,但背後隱藏著不同文化和權力動態的表徵。在「文化身份的政治」中我還了解到,一個人的身份不僅關乎個人認同,社會如何定義他者也發揮著巨大的作用。 所有這些課程都讓我思考:「這種現像是自然的嗎?為什麼會發生這種情況?」ICS 有趣而多樣的課程,知識淵博的教授和助教們啟發我去發現並分析社會中看似自然背後的「非自然」。沒有單一的文化理論可以回答一切,研究文化研究也無法改變一個不公義的世界,但ICS讓我體認到「質疑」和「挑戰」的不可或缺。只有「質疑」才能避免被宏大敘事裹挾,只有「挑戰」才能發現被忽視的另類敘事。這一年在 ICS 學到的知識和精神將伴隨我一生,讓我能被「人」所感動,關注邊緣群體的思想,尊重生命的精神。願我在未來的生活中永遠抱有質疑精神,願我常常問:「從來如此,便對麽?」

  • Hui Pui Yee

    Hui Pui Yee

    作為一名兼讀制學生,在高強度的社工工作之余兼職學習無疑是一項挑戰,但對文化研究的濃厚興趣不斷推動我前進。ICS的課程極具啟發性,令人耳目一新的見解激發了我的求知欲。這種學習經驗對我的個人職業成長做出了重大貢獻。作為一名社會工作者,對文化研究的鉆研深遠地影響了我的工作方式——從新的角度理解社會權力關係,特別是透過了解不同女性的抗爭,我可以跳脫傳統框架,更全面地看待她們的處境。有了這些更深入的理解,我能更好地進行支援及倡導的工作。 我期待著將所學應用到我的工作中,創造一個更包容和相互理解的社會。 這兩年裡,ICS給我提供了友好學習環境。教授和助教們平易近人,時刻樂於提供協助。他們的奉獻精神和分享知識的強烈意願在我的學術之旅上發揮了重要作用。 我非常感激在ICS的時光,它不僅讓我增長了知識,也給了我進一步探求的勇氣。這些都是我會珍惜的無價之寶。

  • WANG Yunhui

    WANG Yunhui

    ICS 對我來說是轉型的一年。ICS就像一面鏡子,幫助我認清自己,擺脫失敗的困境,重拾自信。ICS給了我一雙探索世界的眼睛,讓我突破固有的束縛,從不同的角度思考人、自然和社會——正是ICS給了我對這個世界上所有不平等說不的勇氣。在ICS,我們關注邊緣人群、低下階層和性少數群體,探討後殖民主義和亞洲現代性,反思媒體和技術發展帶來的機會和挑戰——正是ICS為我們提供了無限的可能性,讓我們找到屬於自己的答案。 最後,我想分享Janet和鐵哥在第一學期結束時說的話:「如果你周圍的一切看起來都是黑暗的,那麼再看看,你可能就是光。」以及「獨立。」希望ICS的每個人都能成為照亮自己和他人的光。無論在世界哪個地方,繼續批判、公正、慈悲地看待世界和社會,繼續保持獨立的自我!

  • ZHANG Jinyi

    ZHANG Jinyi

    我不知道如何準確表達我對MAICS的感激之情。我想,MAICS對我的正面影響有兩層: 首先,MAICS無疑提供了學術知識累積和技能培訓的豐富機會。不過,我們需要認識到,一年的學習對任何專業領域而言都只是入門,但發現研究興趣至關重要,MAICS所做的正是在本科通識教育和研究生專業教育之間架起橋樑。MAICS並沒有將所有學生放在一個封閉的容器中,而是鼓勵任何打破界限的嘗試,最終幫助每個人發掘令他們快樂並有成就感的興趣。因此,對於那些在本科期間習得了批判性思維、但尚未確定研究方向的人來說,MAICS是一次大有裨益的發現之旅。而對於來自中國內地的同學,MAICS絕對是中大人文社科項目中最有趣、最獨特、最有價值的課程之一。 其次,就職涯規劃和個人發展而言,想要完成學業並維持身心健康,同時兼顧課外實習其實並不容易。以我自己為例,多線程任務可能反而加劇焦慮。因此,MAICS對於我們這些最終將走出象牙塔、走向社會的人來說,更多地起到了培養積極人格的作用:欣賞他人、協作精神、領導力、文化素養、自我驅動和自我關愛 ……這些是MAICS教給我的重要一課。在碩士學位幾乎成為就業最低門檻的內捲時代,我們或多或少需要合理化人生中這「一年」的價值。除了讓我們的履歷更具競爭力之外,內心的平靜和決心也是得來不易的資產。

  • ZUO Maolin

    ZUO Maolin

