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Thesis of the Graduate Research Students

Research - Thesis of the Graduate Research Students

M.Phil. in Religious Studies


Zheng Jieyou 鄭杰友

M.Phil 2025


"Life wants nothing to do with religion" : A Study of Karl Barth's Reception of Christoph Blumhardt's Life and Work

Choi Naomi Chunting 蔡雋婷

M.Phil 2023


Buddhist Nuns and Their Male Interpreter: A Study of the “Continued Biographies of Nuns”

Liu Taolin 劉陶琳

M.Phil. 2023



Pang Wing Yin彭穎研

M.Phil. 2023



Yang Bufan 楊不凡

M.Phil. 2023



Guo Huiwen 郭慧雯

M.Phil. 2021



Li Peilin 李沛林

M.Phil. 2021



Wang Zichao 王子超

M.Phil. 2021



Wu Hin Ming 胡獻皿

M.Phil. 2021



Xu Jialei 徐嘉雷

M.Phil. 2021


三階教 “無盡藏” 的起源與發展研究

Guo Jing 郭敬

M.Phil. 2020


Revitalizing Pentecostal Theology - Interrogating James K. A. Smith's Pentecostal Epistemology with Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon's Relational (e)pistemology

Hon Lok Man 韓樂憫

M.Phil. 2020



Li Kit Ting 李潔婷

M.Phil. 2019


Genealogical Explorations of “Hui回” Identity and Secularity: Social-Historical Studies on Identification on Muslims in Late and Post-Imperial China

Lee Yee Lak Elliot 李依肋

M.Phil. 2018


Portrayal of Chinese Religious Characters in Late Imperial Chinese Erotic Novels: A Case Study on Dengcao Heshang, Wu Tong Ying and Fengliu Heshang)

Wai Cheuk Yee 衞婥怡

M.Phil. 2017



Hung Tak Wai 孔德維

M.Phil. 2015


Arthur Peacocke’s Theory on Divine Action
Kung Wai Han 龔惠嫻
M.Phil. 2014


Lee Chi Shing 李志誠
M.Phil. 2013


The Hermeneutical Strategies of Chinese Christians in Late Qing (1860 – 1911)
Chan Chi Him 陳志謙
M.Phil. 2011


Nie Li 聶利
M.Phil. 2010


The Liberal Spirit and Anti-liberal Discourse of John Henry Newman 
Mong Ih-ren Ambrose 孟一仁
M.Phil. 2010


Participatory Theological Bioethics of Lisa Sowle Cahill and Its Relevance to End of Life Care in Hong Kong
LAW Wai Yan 羅慧欣
M.Phil. 2009


LAU Cheuk Fai 劉卓輝
M.Phil. 2009


唐朝天師道醮儀—— 張萬福《醮三洞真文五法正一盟威籙立成儀》研究
Lo Yat Ko 盧日高
M.Phil. 2008 


Chau Hoi Ning 鄒海寧
M.Phil. 2008 


Study on the Educational Work of Salesian Society in Hong Kong 

Tsang Ka Lok 曾家洛
M.Phil. 2006  


羅浮山酥醪觀與清代廣東全真龍門派 – 關於羅浮山酥醪觀史跡、文人考究
Chan Kwan 陳 鈞
M.Phil. 2006


The Changes of Hsien- t'ien Tao in Hong Kong : The Importance of Hsien- t'ien Tao in the Development of Hong Kong Taoism.

Li Ka Chun 李家駿
M.Phil. 2005 


瑜伽焰口施食儀式研究 – 以香港「外江派」佛教道場為對象
A Study on the Buddhist ritual of Yujia yankou shishi (Yoga for Distributing Food to Burning-Mouth Hungry Ghost)

Yeung Ngai Pan 楊毅彬
M.Phil. 2005


A Study of Shuilu Fahui, a Chinese Buddhist Rite for Deliverance for Sentient Beings of Water and Land

Chan Yiu Kwan 陳堯鈞
M.Phil. 2005


A Spirituality of Thomas Merton
Chan Pui Fun Doris 陳佩芬
M.Phil. 2005


神學與處境之關連 ─ 探討蒂里希及徐思有關關法之建構
The Construction of Method of Correlation done by Paul Tillich and David Tracy

Wong Tin Sang 黃天生
M.Phil. 2005


Paul Tillich's Religious Socialism and Its Contemporary Meaning

Li Chun Hong 李駿康
M.Phil. 2004


The Theological Anthropology of Wolfhart Pannenberg: With Special Reference to its Significance for Christian-Confucian Dialogue
Lee Tin Kwan 李天鈞
M.Phil. 2004


Imperial Cults and the Lukan Perspective on the Roman Empire: Reassessing a "Political" Dimension of Luk-Acts
Chan Chi Ho 陳志浩
M.Phil. 2004


The Relationship between the Prophet and the People: An Interpretation of the Old Testament Prophetic Word in the Chinese Cultural Context

Jiang Zongqiang 姜宗強
M.Phil. 2004


Ritual for Passing in the Early Movement of Heavenly Master --- A Study of 
Shang-qing Huang-shu Guo-du Yi
Wong King On 黃敬安
M.Phil. 2004


A Critical Analysis of "All Israel will be saved" in Romans 11:25-32 In the Light of Sociological Investigation
Liu Tsui Yuk 劉翠玉
M.Phil. 2004


基督教與佛教在中國的相遇──李提摩太 (Timothy Richard 1845-1919) 個案研究
Encounter between Christianity and Buddhism in China --- a Case Study of Timothy Richard (1845-1919)

Lee Chi Ho 李智浩
M.Phil. 2003


女身成佛 ─ 探討佛教女性的終極證悟與世間修行
Enlightenment in Female Bodies

King Mary Ann Pui Wai 金佩瑋
M.Phil. 2003


Dawson Elizabeth 陶麗沙
M.Phil. 2003


以儒家思想詮釋基督教 - 徐松石思想的研究
Interpreting Christianity with Confucianism: A Study of Xu Songshi's Thought

Ho Hing Cheong 何慶昌
M.Phil. 2002


香港女性基督徒與女性身份的建構 ─ 李曹秀群在早期婦權運動的參與
Chan Mei Ling 陳美玲
M.Phil. 2002


基督教與二十世紀中國小說 ── 郁達夫、茅盾、許地山的小說
Christianity & 20th Century Chinese Fiction --- The Works of Yu Dafu, Mao Dun and Xu Dishan

Chan Chi Kit 陳志傑
M.Phil. 2001


Li Suk Man  李淑文
M.Phil. 2001


Liu Yi Yong 劉一蓉
M.Phil. 2001


基督教與中國近代女子高等教育 ── 華南女子文理學院的過案研究
Zhu Feng 朱 峰
M.Phil. 2001


女牧師在按立過程中的「抗衡表現」── 以香港四個基督教宗派為例
Women in Resistance: Four Denominational Studies on the Ordination of Women in Hong Kong 

Wong Wai Yin Christina 黃慧賢
M.Phil. 2001


A Study of Romans 7:14-25 as Paul's (Auto) Biographical Reconstruction
Chan Tsz On 陳子安
M.Phil. 2000


Zhang Zexun 張澤珣


Humanity and Christ: A Study of Kari Barth's Christological Anthropology and its Significance for Christian-Confucian Dialogue
Chan Ka Fu Keith 陳家富
M.Phil. 1999


Contemporary Neo-Confucians' Views on Christianity

Ng Yu Lam 吳汝林
M.Phil. 1999


The Chinese Christian Renovation Movement and Political Movements 1949-1952: A Critical Study 

Hui Chung Sing Wallace 許頌聲
M.Phil. 1999


Chan Wai Keung 陳偉強
M.Phil. 1999


A Study of the Afterlife Religious World of Eastern Han Funeral Texts --- An Examination of the Religious Meanings of Bureaucratized Pantheon 

Fung Shau Chung 馮紹聰
M.Phil. 1999


Evaluation of Evangelical Exegesis by the Theory of Modern Hermeneutics

So Yuen Tai 蘇遠泰
M.Phil. 1999


Narrative Patterns for the Eshatological Themes of Persecution & Separation Among the Five Teaching Speeches of Jesus in Matthew
Elizabeth Leung 梁麗莎
M.Phil. 1998


Lung Wing Yi 龍詠怡
M.Phil. 1998


Reconstructing Mircea Eliade's Thought on the Study of History of Religions: A Reflection on Methodology

Lee Ling Hon 李凌瀚
M.Phil. 1997


Yahwistic Rejection of Canaanite Heritages? --- The Case of the Book of Hosea
Lai Yuet Sim Phoebe 黎月嬋
M.Phil. 1996


Hou Shuk Mei 侯淑美
M.Phil. 1996


Wong Kit Jan 黃潔珍
M.Phil. 1996


Fung Wing Yin 馮穎賢
M.Phil. 1995


Kwan Wai Ling 關慧玲
M.Phil. 1992


Lo King Sun 羅敬淳
M.Phil. 1992