Full-time: 1 year (2 semesters)
Part-time: 2 years (4 semesters)
* Students need to take 8 subjects (24 units) for graduation.
Within normative study period,
Full time: HK$145,000 by 2 installments
Part time: HK$145,000 by 4 installments
* Additional tuition fee will be charged for each course taken after the normative study period.
Priority round: 28 February 2025
Final round: 13 April 2025
*Applications will be processed on a rolling basis from September until all places are filled. Therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged.
STEP 1: Submit an ONLINE APPLICATION via the Graduate School website.
STEP 2: Upload all required applications documents (in PDF format, A4 size only, please do not use JPEG) to the ONLINE APPLICATION SYSTEM.
STEP 3: In order to avoid additional waiting time for fulfilling conditions before commencing studies, ALL applicants should mail the required original documents to the following address. Applications without complete original documents will not be processed. Please review the checklist for the required application materials carefully.
Ms. Crystal Wong
MA in Religious Studies (MARS)
Room 301, Leung Kau Kui Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.
(Please remark your name and application number on the envelope.)
Please note that once submitted, documents will not be returned and will be disposed of if the application is unsuccessful.
STEP 4: Fill in the appendix at the last page of the checklist, email it to mars@cuhk.edu.hk to indicate you have all documents ready and we can begin process your application.
STEP 5: Final results will be updated via the ONLINE APPLICATION platform no later than 2 weeks after application deadline. (Shortlisted candidates will be notified via individual email in a timely manner.)
Contact Person: Ms. Crystal Wong
Telephone: (852) 3943-6508
E-mail: mars@cuhk.edu.hk