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Master of Arts in Religious Studies
Learning Resources

Master of Arts in Religious Studies - Learning Resources

Learning Resources

Academic Writing


Seminar materials



Best Essay Award


First Prize

Hu Jiechen

——以《青谿漫稿》中的相關奏疏為例    View


Merit Prize

Poon Chi Yu

香港道教醫療現況研究    View


Merit Prize

Wang Li

本體論的現實性意義——東方教會“聖像”問題再詮釋    View


First Prize

Li Puni

禪修對中國大陸初顯成人自我認同性發展的影響 – 以四念處和慈心觀修行為例。    View


First Prize

Kwok Wing Tai

中國禪宗語言與心理輔導後現代語言技巧之相應關係    View


Merit Prize

Kwong Chi Leung

中國現代小說中的「女基督」    View


First Prize

Chan Fang Michael

Secularization in a Global Perspective: The Case of China and Humanistic Buddhism    View


Merit Prize

Lau Grace

Conjecture or Reality? Islamization of the curriculum in the Islamic Kindergarten under the operation of the school voucher scheme in Hong Kong    View



Research Centres


The Programme takes full advantage of the abundant resources of various Research Centres in our Department which regularly organize a wide variety of academic activities, including seminars and lectures by world-renowned scholars, and international conferences. Students of the Programme are always informed and warmly invited to join these activities which make their learning experience more enriching and multifarious.